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Why seek treatment from a prosthodontist

Gum disease, tooth decay and trauma can all contribute to the experience of losing a tooth and the subsequent effect that it can have on the individual, both in terms of their health and sense of confidence, can be distressing. Missing teeth not only create problems in the immediately affected…
Is sedation dentistry right for me?

Dr Smiths advanced training in the field of Conscious Sedation Dentistry allows for the comprehensive and experienced use of sedation in routine treatments. Sedation dentistry is a miracle for anyone who fears dentists and discomfort. It allows you to get the care your smile needs without pain or anxiety. Is…
Dental implant questions and answers

If you have been thinking about getting dental implants, you probably have a lot of questions. We have put together some information to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding dental implants. Am I a candidate for dental implants? You may be wondering if you are a possible candidate for…