Why seek treatment from a prosthodontist

Gum disease, tooth decay and trauma can all contribute to the experience of losing a tooth and the subsequent effect that it can have on the individual, both in terms of their health and sense of confidence, can be distressing.
Missing teeth not only create problems in the immediately affected area but also throughout the whole mouth. Overall strength and stability are lessened in the absence of a tooth and gradually the full functionality and healthy appearance of your smile can deteriorate.
The resulting loss of self-confidence and an increasing sense of inhibition can take its toll on the personal and professional areas of your life and your inability to laugh and smile can leave you feeling unhappy and withdrawn.
Luckily, with the aid of modern prosthodontics, these negative aspects of your smile can be removed altogether, leaving you free to enjoy a healthy smile, free from restraint.
For many people who have experienced the impracticality and discomfort of dentures, the dental implants, crown and bridging techniques that are on offer to you through Prosthodontic treatment at Bay Dental can equip you with the most up to date and effective procedures to fully restore the comfort and functionality of your mouth. Eating, speaking, aesthetic appeal and strength can all be achieved with maximum success through the treatments available at Dr Smith’s prosthodontic practice.
For any further information on any of the treatments or facilities at Bay Dental, please do not hesitate to contact us and make an appointment to see Dr Christopher Smith.